

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

About the Author

So...Like I said the Servers are still down atm and I just can't get the blog off my mind. In my first post I kind of explained WoW as a whole and why it is my game of choice, I would like to get into my current state in the game...

All my characters are on the Demon Soul server, why? I honestly do not remember. It is a small server with a guild that is ranked 300 something in the world, and many other guilds that range from the decent to the god awful and even the strange. I am an Officer in the guild <Arete> we are a decent guild ranked number 9 or so on the server, with our fair share of good players. I was the GM (guild master) of <Infamous> but decided I was not one for politics, and the recruitment on a small server is very difficult.

So on to the characters, my main is Torgovrin the Orc Hunter. He was not my first character or my last but for some reason he stuck with me. He is in full Sanctified gear, and is my core raiding character. My alts include a wide range of characters only a few are worth mentioning. My main alt is Dasanavrin the DK he is fairly geared and my go-to for alt raiding. Now on to my new favorite, Palavrin the Paladin. He is currently only level 61 and is completely PvP geared, and Holy specced. I made this character exclusively for PvP and Holy is my spec of choice, some say its OP I say its awesome. It is getting a buff this patch and I am stoked to level him. He only has 2.5 days /played which is awesome for his level, leveling him has been a breeze in battlegrounds. A win gives about 1/3 of a level in a BG holiday weekend. I hope to have him at 80 by the end of the week, and start spending all the honor I will have accrued.

So those are my characters and that is my guild. We are 12/12 ICC and 9/12 Hard Modes, and working on the Professor though may players a choosing to take a break before Cata drops. So that's my characters in a nutshell I will keep you guys posted on any changes...

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