

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

1st Blog

So....This is my first blog entry, honestly I do not know why I am doing. I am 22yo unemployed and and a passionate gamer. I guess it is the unemployment that has driven me to such a bordem level that I must share my unused thoughts and opionions with the internet. So lets get this started off...

Like I said I am a huge gamer, my game of choice atm is World of Warcraft or WoW for the more trade chat oriented. For you that are not among the 12 million that play WoW is a mmorpg or Massivly Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game. The basis of this game is you start with a level 1 character of your chosen play style whether It be tank (damage taker), DPS (Damage Per Second/damage dealer), or Healer. You then enter the world with this character and start conquering its computer controlled monsters! Sounds simple? Well its this simplicity that is great because it is the icing over this complex machine that is WoW. Upon slaying foes during quests or in PvP (Player vs. Player) combat, your character gains experience. This experience gathers and eventually levels up your character, which then makes you stronger and give you new abilities to use in your quests and PvP battlegrounds.

Around and around this cycyle continues growing more and more complex as you reach the maximum level (currently 80 and soon to be 85 in Cataclysm). Upon reaching the level cap you are then even still a "noob" amongst other experienced and geared players. This is what has continuely pushed me to play this are just some person playing a character that like most of us, wants to excel. Unlike other games where you and other players are equal, you have to become "equal" to these other players. You have to earn your equipment your player sports, and this task is not easy. If like to achieve things with other people while slaying dragons you can join Raids (huge difficult dungeons) these require cordination and skill from all players (10/25). These groups are either formed in a guild (group of players) or a PUG (pick up group) and then embark on killing many monsters and bosses to achieve epic gear, achievements or mounts. If you dont enjoy the time that raids require or feel that slaying dragons is not your style, then pvp is your answer.

Player vs Player combat is one of my favorite past times of WoW. There are a multitude of different battle grounds that you can compete in, from capture the flag, to dominate the area, to a type of assault/defend the base. In these games you are dropped into the BG (Battleground) among your team which can consist of 10/15/20/40 players and you must coordinate and dominate your opponents! You use all your spells and abilities that you have used throughout your leveling experience to get Killing blows, Honorable Kills, and just do damage all around! During the game and after depending on how you and your team did you accrue Honor Points. These points are used to buy Epic PvP gear. This gear has a little different stat setup then the Raid gear, it tends to be more focused on Survival and Mobility. If these large BG's are not your strong suit, then you can form an Arena Team. Arena battles consist of 2 teams of 2/3/5 players, that go head to head in a coliseum type arena. These matches are EXTREMELY intense and truly skilled or lucky players excel. At the end of an Arena season the top .5% players obtain a special mount that is unique to that season.

So with all these options that are availible how could you resist not giving WoW a shot? I would be playing right now but regular maintenense (happens ever Tuesday morning till 11pm PST) has been extended due to the implemation of patch 4.0.3a. This patch is a HUGE change to WoW as we know it. It is changing ever single zone in Azeroth for good. Basically Cataclysm is coming out December 7th, but the actually "Cataclysm" is happening RIGHT NOW!! The Cataclysm is being caused by Deathwing, a totally bad ass dragon that was released? or escaped? from the center of the earth, in the process of him breaking through the earths service he basically gave the world a post apocaliptic make over. This visual change is not the only thing that is coming with this patch tonight (currently playable @5pm PST). There is also many changes that are happening to the character balancing. This is another reason that I love WoW its constantly updated and balanced. Sure you might get your ass kicked by a Warlock and his Demon, but don't think the the developers dont notice this extreme and unusual strength that that class has...

Well... I truely have run out of things to talk about for tonight, and I am eagerly anticipating the servers going live. I hope that my Hunter is fixed again, but I know that my Pally will be awesome none the less. Other then that guys im off.

Game On

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