

Monday, January 24, 2011

Class Balance

Im just going to put up a forum discussion that I put up over at MMO-Champion.

So I am not here to QQ about my classes or any classes to be honest, I am just here to make a few simple points and have it discussed by you guys. I am not posting this thread in hopes that I will get trolled or flamed or any of that nonsense. All I want is a mature discussion about certain class abilities or lack there of in comparison to other class abilities. Its all about Balance, its the reason we play pvp, its the reason raiding dps charts are so close (maybe not for DK's =) jk, but the game needs to be balanced or else people will not enjoy it, or just roll one class, or w.e.

Lets start with the Holy Paladin. OK so all I hear all day is Holy Pallies are OP, Holy Pallies are facerollers, You want a 2k team roll a Holy Pally. All of these statements are false, and just trolls in /2. Lets look at Holly Pallies being OP. in raid healing I think they are very strong healers indeed, its what they do, they should be good at it. That brings me to another point, Holy Pallies are healers, that is it. You get barely any offense with Holly Pallies besides Exorcism, which if your doing arena you probably did not spec into anyways. So lets look at them compared to other healers. They have no Hots, No Travel Form, No Purges, No Totems, No Hex, No Mana Burns, No Dots... Should we take these away from other classes? Hell no. Its what makes them their class, what I would like to see, is turn down pally healing, and give them more abilities. Maybe move repentance into the Holy Tree? I just think what makes better players is having options...feel free to discuss.

Next the Hunters....Ah yes the Hunters, public enemy number 1. The first person to blame on a fail group or raid or bg or quest or daily or trade or.... you get my point. Hunters get a lot of flack. I recently had someone tell me that hunters are the class that nubs play, they are the class that requires no skill, they are the lowest skill class in all of MMOs everywhere! That might have been an exaggeration but you get my point, Hunters are hated, idk why, idk how to fix it. I would how ever like to discuss the class that needs some balancing. First lets look at hunter PvE, 99% of Cata fights require movement, If you have played a hunter then you know that when you move you stop casting auto shot. Let me repeat this, when you move you stop one of your top dps moves. How was this over looked, all this time. I really do not know, last I checked warriors could auto attack and move, rogues could auto attack and move. Sure you say well mages cant cast and move, well like I said Auto shot is one of our top dps moves, because of this all our other moves are scaled accordingly. Moving Healing....If you did not realize yet. Hunters are the only class in the game of World of Warcraft that can not self heal....lets stop and think about this for a second. Yes it is the truth. Some say "QQ more huntard your a dps class" says the warlock with Drain Life, Soul Harvest, and his delicious cookies. Do I think we should take these abilities away from other classes..NO. Should we give hunters divine light? NO. What they should do is have something to heal....Maybe a channeled heal that cost 1 focus per 1% of life, that doesn't break like bandages, but is interrupt able... idk. This discussion is about class balance not QQ.

Feral druids....I really don't know who thinks this class is balanced but lets discuss. First I want to start off with saying yes I know druids are a hybrid class, I know that, we all do. I love feral druids in my raids, or any druid for that matter, having the back up and plan B for tanking, healing or BRez is always nice. But sometimes I feel that this "shifting" is a little to convient. Some people might say "Its what they do" no....They do damage, they tank, or they heal...just like the rest of us. What makes them different, is they can change "what they do" on the fly, with out any consequence. I truthfully don't think this is balanced at all. Not QQ here just discussion. Lets look at Feral druids, awesome DPS, Stealth, Pounce, interrupts, CC, Bleeds, Stun and Bear Form. Now Resto..Hots, CC, Travel Form, Bear Form, Stealth. Now Moonkins...Silence, awesome dps, Root, Dots, Travel form, Bear Form. So Ferals can do damage, restos can heal, moonkins can damage. Great so what. Well thats basically what a nonskilled player sees. What a pro sees is the ability to do what ever is needed at the time its needed. Need to get away and heal? Travel form and hot. Taking to much damage? Bear form and Hot. DK death gripped you? Travel form and Hot. When I see the word OP I see Over Powered...Not Over Powered Spell, or Over Powered Ability. Its just plain old Over Powered. This might mean the class has to many options, or what seem to be to many in comparison to other classes.

I am not saying that we need a Nerf or a Buff here, just a simple observation of all the classes in general. Take all the classes separate ever ability in to Stun, Ranged DPS, Ranged Cast DPS, Ranged Channeled DPS, Melee DPS, Melee Cast DPS, Interrupt, HOT, Heal, Cast Heal, Channeled Heal, DOT, Silence, Dispel, Offensive dispel, Buffs... And I think you would be surprised at what you find. Class balance is what makes the game enjoyable, its the reason no one class is at the top of the charts for weeks and weeks, its the reason we can PvP. I am not here to QQ I am just here to put out some information, and opinions and discuss it amoungst peers. Please feel free to discuss, but please not flaming or trolling, mature discussion only.

Game On

The post is still fresh, and the moderator has to check it out first. Hopefully I get a good discussion going.

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