

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Arms Warrior

So my DK is level 85 and just waiting on Epic 2h which will be arriving on Tuesday, now that hes out of the way. I have moved on to yet another character, my good old warrior. This was my first toon on this server but he always seems to be lagging behind the others. I truthfully do not know why, Arms dps is really competitive in pvp right now, and the mobility is great! Now I say all these things with the hopes that I get better at using seems I have become pretty rusty at my warrior, but after a few youtube videos I feel good about it. I qued up for a few bg's and some went very smoothly and I got fairly up there on the charts, never top tho. My rotation is charge, rend,  CS, MS. I use OP and HS when ever possible...seems to work fairly well. I just have to work on my stance dancing and keeping my CDs down. Let me know if anyone has any suggestions. I am going to try and put up a video of my progression so far, and be sure to keep an eye on the live stream.

Game On

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