

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Turkey Day

Well everyone I am taking the day in to gorge on roasted meats, delicious vegetables, and one to many slices of pie. First stop is my girlfriends moms house to be with her family and feast. Then we are headed to my families where round 2 starts.

So I am back now and playing my Pally atm, did a few bg's so far tonight most were a horrible demonstration of the Horde's ability to strategize with the one exception of a down to the wire WSG. They had our flag while we stole theres, they managed to kill our flag carrier but we responded with another steal. Yet again our flag carrier was killed, and we finally managed to nuke theirs. It wasn't till a strong DK was able to grab their flag and carry it to victory with the assist of my heals (which I do not like to do mind you) we won the match.

After that close game with little XP gains I decided to join a random dungeon and tank for a bit, was as smooth as butter but very boring. I am currently debating what to do, either tank some more randoms, maybe head to the zone I should be questing in, or hit up some more BG's.....Decisions decisions...

Game On

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