

Friday, November 26, 2010

One step closer to Northrend...

So its the day after Thanksgiving and the house is a complete disaster, I just woke up, my dog is starving, I am starving, and my girlfriend is at work...Ha. so after some much needed chores I plan to hit up Palavrin, I plan on getting him to 68 today/tonight or at least close to, also another milestone will be hit because I only need 200 more HK for the 5k achievement. So ill get those to little bits out of the way and then its on to Northrend tomorrow through Sunday...Like I said in a previous post I am trying to get to 80 by Monday (for no real reason), and I am hoping that this recent patch will help me. Basically blizzard lowered the amount of XP you need to get to 80 from 71 by 20%, that is HUGE! So hopefully this will put my leveling in to cruise control this weekend.

On a side note, my troll druid still has not been touched since creation... I told you I hate leveling well, its true. My friend on the other hand who made one that day is level 19 and climbing, but he has no heirloom items so I hope to catch up with him in no time. (when I get around to it).

Comments! I want comments! Tell me about what character your playing right now! Is it an Alt or your Main? Do you even play alts?

Game On

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